• Varsity Tutors

    Our school has partnered with Varsity Tutors, an online learning platform with tutoring resources, to provide our students with powerful supplemental learning tools. Whether studying core subjects, learning new topics, or trying to improve grades, Varsity Tutors provides the extra support our students need, when they need it.


    Every student at our school can tap into these incredible resources for free, and additional tutoring services can be purchased at a discount through our partnership. We encourage you to explore these tools and take full advantage of what is available! 


    Sign in to Classlink and click on the Varsity Tutors app to log in.

    Student Image


Explore on Varsity Tutors:

  • Chat with a Tutor (Homework Help)

  • Codeverse Studio: Learn how to code

  • College Test Prep and Career Readiness

  • Essay Review with a Tutor

  • Subject Classes, Extracurricular Classes, and StarCourses