• OOF Pic


    Out-Of-Field Assignments

    An educator providing instruction in a course for which he/she is not certified, based upon the Florida Course Code Directory, is regarded as being out-of-field.

    An educator may not remain out-of-field for more than one academic school year, unless he/she meets the out-of-field requirements within the same academic school year, as outlined below: 

    • Complete six (6) semester hours of college credit, from an accredited institution, in the out-of-field area; or
    • 120 in-service points, through the Nassau County School District, in the out-of-field area; or
    • A combination of semester hours and in-service points in the out-of-field area; or
    • Pass the corresponding Subject Area Examination (SAE) and adding the appropriate coverage to his/her certificate.

    Evidence of the above must be sent to the Human Resources Department before reappointment to any out-of-field assignment for the subsequent academic school year.

    Educators that fail to satisfy out-of-field requirements, and are scheduled to provide instruction in any area that is out-of-field, cannot be reappointed unless evidence of the above is received in the Human Resources Department.  These educators may retain employment, but in the capacity of a substitute teacher and compensation will be in accordance with substitute pay guidelines.